Huge Witch's Tarot Reading for January 27th, 2025
find your sign. read your sun, moon, and rising, and listen for relevance
reading for Aries sun/moon/rising

The anxiety is here and very real but there is hope here. You have so much to give your perspective and words, though. You've been through so much of this journey but there is still a little more to go. how can you muster the courage to keep going? This card shows an anxious subject awake in bed. But their quilt is a bed of roses, symbolizing that you are safe! And look above you, not just weapons symbolizing the dread but weapons you can take down and wield to defend you.
for 2 more cards, visit Patreon and find today's reading.
reading for Taurus sun/moon/rising

Patience is at play today. How are you taking this time for yourself? You've put a lot out into this world so far and it probably doesn't feel like there's a lot coming back to you just yet. That's because it's not time just yet. You're meant to take patience seriously. Slow down when the universe tells you to. Let go when the universe tells you to. Dream big when the universe tells you to.
In this slowness find yourself and find what you are truly meant to be in these changing times.
for 2 more cards, visit Patreon and find today's reading.
reading for Gemini sun/moon/rising

There is injustice here. A balance that is swinging to correct itself. If you're holding yourself back from seeking the justice you know to be right. How do you let yourself go there with the ethics you hold? How do you let yourself go there gracefully? Be strong in yourself and convicted in your search for the justice we all need.
reading for Cancer sun/moon/rising

Get it how you need to get it. Today is not about politeness or following the rules. Today is about accomplishing what you know is right in whatever way you can. Go for the victory.
reading for Leo sun/moon/rising

Make sure you're giving back to yourself as much as possible today. There are days to go out and use your care-giving for others but how often do you nurture yourself?
Do you doubt that you're worth it? Do you doubt that the time is well-used? Start accepting that you can't pour out from an empty cup and you need to fill yourself up regularly.
reading for Virgo sun/moon/rising

Joy is crucial all days but today is a good day to re-up on whatever you can to remain hopeful. Don't just go for instant dopamine, re-up on the joy of being seen, loved, and accepted for who you are.
reading for Libra sun/moon/rising

Cut your losses. You've come this far and it's ok to admit that this isn't what you want anymore. you are allowed to change your mind. Not every commitment is worth holding on to and you have to stop pushing yourself to finish everything you start when you KNOW it's not worth it to see it through. Who are you helping with this commitment? Who are you hurting?
reading for Scorpio sun/moon/rising

Don't keep your feelings under the surface. Don't be destructive with them but rather constructive. How does it fuel you? Where does it sit in your body? Do you know how to re-frame the narrative so you have a more fruitful future? The future is coming whether you are ready or not.
reading for Sagittarius sun/moon/rising

Don't let the past stop you from pursuing a future you know you need. But that doesn't mean you can't look to it for the safety you need to feel. You are and were protected. Be grateful for your past and the possibilities it brings you in the present.
reading for Capricorn sun/moon/rising

The path forward is letting go. Let go of fear. Let go of past failings. Let go of expectation. The world is changing in ways we can predict. We can even imagine all the atrocities that are coming. What do we need to let go of in order to keep your community protected.
reading for Aquarius sun/moon/rising

Are you being as pragmatic and problem solving as you should be right now? There is a lot of confusion, excitement, and compartmentalizing. How is that going for you? Don't be scared about being present. Take a few deep breaths and look around you. Just because you can't see it right now doesn't mean it isn't taking shape before our eyes if you just let yourself see what's happening in the moment.
reading for Pisces sun/moon/rising

Is brandishing your sword really about defending yourself or are you just blowing hot air because you're scared and stubborn? You're powerful! Why does that mean baring your teeth? Why not learn to rule with respect rather than dominion?